How to cure gum disease without a dentist? Is it possible?
Gum disease is closely associated with our dental and oral health. Unfortunately, we don’t pay necessary attention to our gums. Most of the time we ignore some reddish points or bumps in our gums until it severely threatens our dental health and oral health. As scientific researches prove it, gum disease cannot be cured without consulting a dentist. Failure to receive professional treatment for gum diseases starts with the loss of the tooth and involves risks that can lead to even heart attacks.

If you have already healthy gums, there are different natural therapies as explained below that might help to maintain the healthy status of your gums. However, if you have some type of gum disease, you should definitely consult a dental clinic and get professional help. Otherwise, the gum disease that you ignore and think that can be healed with natural therapies may worsen and your jaw and even other parts of your head and neck could become infected.
Natural therapies for keeping the healthy status of your gums
1.Salt water:
A teaspoon of salt is added to half a glass of water, then the mouth is rinsed for 9-10 seconds. This method is repeated once more. We rinse the inside of the mouth with salt water several times a day.
2.Sage mouthwash:
Sage mouthwash is a powerful antiseptic. We boil some sage for 5 minutes, strain it, and let it warm. Rinse your mouth with this warm sage water for 2 minutes. You can repeat this method several times throughout the day.
3.Pomegranate juice mouthwash:
Pomegranate juice may reduce bacterial plaque. You can garnish with pomegranate juice several times a day.
4.Aloe Vera juice gargle:
Aloe vera juice has anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe vera juice can be used as a mouthwash to relieve mouth sores. You can repeat this method several times throughout the day.

5.Apple cider vinegar mouthwash:
Apple cider vinegar can help keep healthy gums steril. You can gargle with apple cider vinegar 2-3 times a day.
6.Tea tree oil or coconut oil:
Both of these oils are effective antimicrobials. Drip one of them onto a piece of cotton and apply it to the gum surface, or you can massage it over your gums. After a maximum of 5 minutes, rinse the mouth with warm water. You can apply this method several times throughout the day.
7.Black seed oil:
Black seed oil has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. You can massage your gums with black seed oil several times a day.
8.Garlic & Turmeric:
Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties. Apply crushed garlic directly on gums, or mix the crushed garlic with a small amount of water and apply it to gums for a maximum of two minutes. You can apply this method several times a day.
Likewise garlic, turmeric has also anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Boil turmeric root for 10 minutes, filter it, and leave it to warm. Rinse the mouth for 2 minutes with this warm turmeric water. You can repeat this method several times throughout the day.
Is gum disease genetic?
Gum diseases are not clinically genetic. However, your genetic composition may play a role in increasing your risk of developing gum disease.
Is gum disease contagious?
People may spread bacteria that cause gum disease to one another. Bacteria can be transferred in case of close contact, kissing, or use of oral hygiene tools by another person.
What is the fastest way to get rid of a gum disease?
The fastest way to get rid of a gum infection is to see a dentist for professional treatment.
Last but not least...
Gum diseases can be seen in all age groups, progress slowly, and may not be noticed immediately. If the gum care is not properly taken into account, ongoing gum disease may eventually spread to the surrounding bones and even result in tooth loss if left untreated.
As is the case with almost all health problems, early diagnosis and treatment of gum disease will save you from possible bad consequences. Failure to receive professional treatment for gum diseases starts with the loss of the tooth and involves risks that can lead to even heart attacks.
Gum disease can be treated in the early stages. The expert team at DentaPoint Dental Clinics will apply the necessary treatment methods you need for gum disease and will help you protect your oral health. You may also take a look at the NHS Page for gum disease.